HAPPY 2009

Beauty before me
Behind me
Below me
Above me
All around me
In beauty, I have spoken

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Beautiful Winter Day

What a gorgeous winter day we had Sunday, finally the sun decided to make an appearance, and it shone bright! Took a little snowshoe trek it, was nice to get outside and not be freezing. A little teaser that spring really is coming.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ava Jean 1st B-day

Ava had her 1st B-day Jan. 22, 2008 we had dinner,

opened presents and had cupcakes. By far her favorite

gift was a little red racetrack with two chickens that

would race around and around to the bottom. She

is such a cute, happy little thing! Good job Nes and
